Saving ====== There are a couple of different approaches that can be taken when writing data to a MongoDB database. Simon provides a few different methods to perform writes to help expose the full power of each. Document Replacement -------------------- The basic way to create or update a document is with the :meth:`` method. It will save the document associated with the instance to the database. If an update is being performed, the version of the document in the database will be overwritten by the version associated with the instance. This is known as document replacement. Any changes made to the version of the document in the database that have not been introduced to the instance will be lost. .. code-block:: python user = User(name='Simon') This can be condensed into one step using the :meth:`~simon.Model.create` method. .. code-block:: python user = User.create(name='Simon') :meth:`` can also be used to save changes to a document. .. code-block:: python = '' The first of these calls to :meth:`` will result in an ``insert``. The second will result in an ``update``. In the mongo Shell they would be written as: .. code-block:: javascript db.users.insert({name: 'Simon'}) db.users.update({_id: ObjectId(...)}, {email: ''}) Atomic Updates -------------- MongoDB also offers a more powerful way to save changes to documents: atomic updates. By utilizing atomic updates, you can write selective changes to portions of a document without replacing the whole thing. Simon provides several different ways to perform atomic updates. save_fields The :meth:`~simon.Model.save_fields` method will perform an atomic update updating only the specified fields. .. code-block:: python # update only the score field user.score = 100 user.save_fields('score') You can also update multiple fields at once. .. code-block:: python user.score = 200 user.friends = ['Alvin', 'Theodore'] user.save_fields(['score', 'friends']) In the mongo Shell these would be: .. code-block:: javascript db.users.update({_id: ObjectId(...)}, {$set: {score: 100}}) db.users.update({_id: ObjectId(...)}, {$set: {score: 200, friends: ['Alvin', 'Theodore']}}) update The :meth:`~simon.Model.update` method provides a shortcut to the behavior offered by :meth:`~simon.Model.save_fields`. .. code-block:: python user.update(score=100) user.update(score=200, friends=['Alvin', 'Theodore']) increment The :meth:`~simon.Model.increment` method provides a way to increment the values of the specified fields. If the field does not exist, it will be added with the initial value of ``0``. When incrementing only one field, only the name of the field needs to be given to :meth:`~simon.Model.increment`. A value can also be provided if incrementing by any value other than ``1``. .. code-block:: python user.increment('score') user.increment('score', 100) :meth:`~simon.Model.increment` can also be used to increment multiple fields at once. .. code-block:: python user.increment(score=100, level=1) The equivalent queries in the mongo Shell would be: .. code-block:: javascript db.users.update({_id: ObjectId(...)}, {$inc: {score: 1}}) db.users.update({_id: ObjectId(...)}, {$inc: {score: 100}}) db.users.update({_id: ObjectId(...)}, {$inc: {score: 100, level: 1}}) remove_fields The :meth:`~simon.Model.remove_fields` method will remove the specified fields from the document in the database. Using it works just like :meth:`~simon.Model.save_fields`. .. code-block:: python user.remove_fields('level') user.remove_fields(['level', 'friends']) To execute these same queries in the mongo Shell: .. code-block:: javascript db.users.update({_id: ObjectId(...)}, {$unset: {level: 1}}) db.users.update({_id: ObjectId(...)}, {$unset: {level: 1, friends: 1}}) raw_update The :meth:`~simon.Model.raw_update` method allows any update query to be specified. This method will let you execute any update that can't appropriately be expressed through one of the other methods. Just make sure you use it with caution as Simon can do little to protect you. .. code-block:: python user.raw_update({'$set': {'level': 1}, '$inc': {'score': 100}, '$unset': {'friends': 1}}) This query would be passed through to MongoDB as: .. code-block:: javascript db.users.update({_id: ObjectId(...)}, {$set: {level: 1}, $inc: {score: 100}, $unset: {friends: 1}}) Write Concern ------------- When Simon was first started, the default behavior with MongoDB was to perform writes without write concern. This led to faster performance but had the potential for data loss. Queries performed with write concern enabled will request the result of ``getLastError()`` before returning execution to the application. More information is available in the `MongoDB Docs`_. .. _MongoDB Docs: Simon was built with respect for this behavior as the default. All of the methods discussed above as well as :meth:`~simon.Model.delete` accept an argument called ``safe`` that can override the default behavior. .. code-block:: python user = User(name='Simon') user.update(email='', safe=True) user.delete(safe=True) This also applies to the :meth:`~simon.Model.get_or_create` method discussed in :doc:`querying`.