Basic Usage =========== Simon offers a lot of flexibility in how you interact with the database. All of the examples below utilize the ``User`` model defined in :doc:`quickstart`, so if you haven't already done that, you want to check it out first. Retrieving ---------- At the heart of retrieving documents are three methods: :meth:`~simon.Model.all`, :meth:`~simon.Model.find`, and :meth:`~simon.Model.get`. Use :meth:`~simon.Model.all` to retrieve all documents from the ``users`` collection. .. code-block:: python users = Users.all() Often times it will be necessary to filter the documents coming back. To do so, use :meth:`~simon.Model.find`. It takes a series of named parameters that represent keys in the documents and the values to match against. To find all documents whose ``name`` field has a value of ``Simon``: .. code-block:: python users = Users.find(name='Simon') To find all documents whose ``name`` field has a value of ``Simon`` and whose ``company`` field has a value of ``My Company``: .. code-block:: python internal_users = Users.find(name='Simon', company='My Company') If you were to execute these queries using the mongo Shell, they would look like: .. code-block:: javascript users = db.users.find({name: 'Simon'}) internal_users = db.users.find({name: 'Simon', company: 'My Company'}) At this point, no real information would have been returned from the database. Utilizing the cursor behavior built into PyMongo, documents will only be transferred from the database when they are requested. This is done by interacting with the result of :meth:`~simon.Model.find` like you would with any other iterable such as a ``list``. .. code-block:: python for user in users: print 'A document was just loaded from the users collection' Documents can also be loaded through slicing, although this will cause all documents in, as well as prior to, the slice to be loaded. .. code-block:: python first_user = users[0] # the first user has been loaded fourth_users = users[3] # the first four users have been loaded all_users = users[:] # all users have been loaded More advanced uses are covered in :doc:`querying`. Saving ------ The main way to save a document using Simon is with :meth:``. Calling it on an instance with a new document will insert the document. The document will be given an :class:`ObjectId ` by the database, which will then be associated with the instance. .. code-block:: python user = User(name='Simon') # insert Calling :meth:`` on an instance with an existing document will update the document. This will replace what's in the database with the one associated with the instance. .. code-block:: python = '' # update The equivalent queries in the mongo Shell would be: .. code-block:: javascript db.users.insert({name: 'Simon'}) db.users.update({_id: ObjectId(...)}, {email: ''}) More advanced uses are covered in :doc:`saving`. Deleting -------- If you don't want a document anymore, removing it from the database is simply a matter of calling :meth:`~simon.Model.delete`. .. code-block:: python user.delete() Be careful as this will raise a :class:`TypeError` if you try to delete a document that was never saved. If you were to execute this query directly in mongo Shell, it would look like: .. code-block:: javascript db.users.remove({_id: ObjectId(...)}) At the time of this writing there appears to be no way to set the ``justOne`` parameter to ``true`` using :meth:`PyMongo `. If you decide to remove the unique constraint from the ``_id`` field, bad things could happen when you use :meth:`~simon.Model.delete`.