Quickstart ========== Ready to dive in? Here's a quick run through the basics of using Simon. It will guide you through defining models, saving and retrieving documents, and connecting to a database. Defining a Model ---------------- To define a simple model, all you need to do is inherit from the :class:`~simon.Model` class. .. code-block:: python from simon import Model class User(Model): """This is the model used for users.""" This will define the ``User`` model which will use the ``users`` collection in the database. Using the Model --------------- To instantiate a new ``User``: .. code-block:: python user = User(name='Simon', email='simon@example.com') Attributes can also be assigned after instantiation. .. code-block:: python user = User() user.name = 'Simon' user.email = 'simon@example.com' Saving ------ Saving the changes is as easy as calling :meth:`~simon.Model.save`. ``created`` and ``modified`` dates will be added to the document before it is written to the database, and the :class:`ObjectId ` assigned by the database will be added to the instance. (``created`` will only be added to documents that haven't already been saved and don't already have a ``created`` field.) .. code-block:: python user.save() print '%r %r %r' % (user.id, user.created, user.modified) # ObjectId('50e467580ea5faf0b83679f7') datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 2, 16, 59, 4, 688000) datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 2, 16, 59, 4, 688000) **By default saves do not happen with write concern set.** There is no guarantee the document will make it to the database. Write concern can be turned on by setting the ``safe`` parameter to ``True``. .. code-block:: python user.save(safe=True) Retrieving ---------- Once the document has been saved it can easily be retrieved from the database. The :meth:`~simon.Model.get` method accepts the names of fields as parameters with values to match against. .. code-block:: python user = User.get(name='Simon') print '%r %r' % (user.name, user.email) # 'Simon' 'simon@example.com' For information about the possible exceptions associated with :meth:`~simon.Model.get`, check out `Exceptions`_. Retrieving multiple documents instead of just one is also easy. Just use the :meth:`~simon.Model.find` method instead of :meth:`~simon.Model.get`. They accept parameters the same way. .. code-block:: python user2 = User(name='Simon', email='simon@example.org') user2.save() users = User.find(name='simon') for user in users: print '%r %r' % (user.name, user.email) # 'Simon' 'simon@example.com' # 'Simon' 'simon@example.org' Connecting to a Database ------------------------ Before you can use your models, you need to connect to a database. This is done by using the :meth:`~simon.connection.connect` method. .. code-block:: python from simon.connection import connect connect('localhost', name='simon') This will open a connection to the ``simon`` database on ``localhost``. It's also possible to connect to a database on a remote server. .. code-block:: python connect('simon.example.com', name='simon') Or you can specify a full URI. .. code-block:: python connect('mongodb://simon.example.com/simon') When connecting to a database that requires authentication, a username and password can be specified either through the ``username`` and ``password`` arguments or as part of the URI. .. code-block:: python connect('localhost', name='simon', username='user', password='passwd') # ~ or ~ connect('mongodb://user:passwd@simon.example.com/simon') Exceptions ---------- When using the :meth:`~simon.Model.get` method from a model class it is important to keep in mind that there are a couple of exceptions it can raise. It's a good idea to catch them. .. code-block:: python try: user = User.get(name='Simon2') except User.NoDocumentFound: # This means no documents matched the query handle_the_exception() try: user = User.get(name='Simon') except User.MultipleDocumentsFound: # This means more than one document matched the query handle_the_exception() There is also an exception that can be raised when connecting to a database. .. code-block:: python try: connect('locahost', name='simon') except ConnectionError: # There was a problem connecting to the database handle_the_exception()